Tet Gift Boxes & Food almond tuiles

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  1. "Thank You" No.2: Scotch Lauder's Finest Whisky 700ml, Almond Cookies 230g & Almond Tuiles 175g


    Lauder's Finest is the original blend created by Archibald Lauder in Glasgow back in 1834. Originally created to meet the Glaswegian...More

  2. "Thank You" No.1: Ukrainian Kozak Vodka 500ml, Almond Cookies 230g & Almond Tuiles 175g


    Kozak vodka is an authentic Ukrainian product. Made according to the original Cossacks recipe, fully reflects the spirit of that time. Ukrainian...More

  3. "God Of Wealth" No.2: Almond Cookies 230g & Almond Tuiles 175g


    All H3Q Miki cookies are made from New Zealand's premium Anchor dairy and other safe ingredients. H3Q Miki cookies absolutely do not...More

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